There is an easy way to alert city staff to problems in our neighborhood. Through the City of Kansas City’s 311 Call Center, residents can request service for:
The city tries to respond to requests within two days, though this year’s proliferation of potholes has taxed its resources. To report a problem:
When submitting a service request to 311, include the location of the problem (either an address or detailed geographical information), a description of the problem and your contact information. You can also check the status of your 311 service request.
Over the next few years, the City of Kansas City, Missouri, will invest more than $45 million to upgrade basic infrastructure in the Waldo neighborhood. This includes a total reconstruction of Wornall Road from 74th to 79th Streets. Expect a major reconfiguration at the intersection of 75th Street and Wornall Road to improve traffic flow, as well as safety and accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Spire Energy is currently installing a new gas line along Wornall Road. The city will also do water main replacement and sewer separation work. Construction of the roadway improvements is anticipated to start in early 2019 and finish in the fall of 2020.
Learn more about the plans and construction timeline:
Thirty-five declining ash trees were slated for removal from the city right of way in our neighborhood from January to April 2018. You’ve probably noticed the tree stumps. The streets most heavily impacted include Belleview Avenue (Gregory Boulevard to 75th Street), Jarboe Street (7200 and 7400 blocks), Summit Street (7100 block) and 74th Street (Ward Parkway to Summit Street).
The trees are dying as a result of the invasive emerald ash borer beetle. While the City of Kansas City, Missouri, continues to treat street trees it deems in “good” condition, foresters expect to see large numbers of ash trees declining quickly this year and in the coming years.
Note that each ash tree removed will be replaced by the end of the next planting season, provided that there is a location that meets the city’s planting specifications. If you want to purchase your own tree and plant it in the right of way, you must obtain a free tree permit. Contact the 311 Call Center (dial 311, email or visit
More construction work is planned to rehabilitate aging sewers in our area. It’s part of federal requirements Kansas City must meet to improve water quality by reducing the frequency and volume of sewer overflows.
The Inflow and Infiltration Reduction: Brush Creak Area 2 project will restore sewer mains, service lateral connections and manholes. This will result in more reliable service, and less frequent sewer overflows and basement backups.
The southern end of the project area includes approximately part of the Ward Parkway Homes Association, from Gregory Boulevard to 74th Street and State Line Road to Pennsylvania Avenue. Affected residents were sent postcards and invited to a public meeting on March 8 to learn about the plans.
Construction is expected to start soon and will be completed by September 2019. Though the project will not reach our neighborhood for a while, it is important to know what will happen when it does arrive. Some WPHA residents have backyard sewer lines that could be impacted, and our understanding is that those residents will be contacted directly.
To get a better understanding of whether or how your property may be affected by the sewer work, we recommend that you talk with the project team before construction moves into our area. Contact Project Manager Rachelle Lowe at 816-822-4276.
The City of Kansas City, Missouri, is working to update its Country Club/Waldo Area Plan, which includes our neighborhood.
Area plans recommend strategies to help realize a community’s long term vision for the future and provide a comprehensive framework to guide public decisions on land use, housing, public improvements, community development, and city services.
Here are the boundaries for the plan:
The city would like residents to get involved in the process by providing input and signing up to receive information about public meetings. Learn more
A consultant is performing a random survey of residents who live within the boundaries of the Country Club/Waldo Area Plan. The consultant will mail the survey and follow up by telephone with those residents. If you receive a survey, please fill it out so the city can get your feedback on housing, transportation, goods and services and area identity.
The City of Kansas City, Missouri, has affixed a metal tag with a number on each ash street tree in our neighborhood to keep track of the tree’s condition. Look for tags at eye level facing the street.
Have you noticed metal tags affixed to ash street trees in our neighborhood? (They are at eye level facing the street.) The emerald ash borer beetle is infesting ash trees across the metro, causing terminal decline.
KCMO is using numbered tags to keep track of the condition of ash trees in the public right of way. The city is treating some trees and removing and replacing others, depending on their condition.
Learn more and make a plan for the ash trees on your private property
The Kansas City City Council passed an ordinance on Jan. 19, 2017, placing an $800 million infrastructure repair plan on the April 4 ballot, seeking resident approval for a comprehensive capital improvements program. The program would use revenue created by issuing approximately $40 million in bonds each year for 20 years.
Infrastructure repair plan approved by City Council; Residents will vote on April 4, 2017
NEWS RELEASE (Jan. 19, 2017)
City of Kansas City, Missouri
KC Council overcomes differences to adopt big infrastructure bond proposal
The Kansas City Star (Jan. 19, 2017)
KC Water is set to begin the Town Fork Creek Sewer Rehabilitation Project this fall (2016), which affects many homes in our neighborhood. When complete, the collection system will be restored, with a life expectancy of up to 80 years of service. It will:
Learn more about water, wastewater and stormwater work taking place in our neighborhood
Come learn what to expect during the Town Form Creek Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016 | 6 p.m.
St. Peter’s Legacy Center Chapel
815 E. Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64131
Questions? Contact Julie Jenson at 816-513-0446 or
The City Council in February passed a chronic nuisance ordinance that gives Kansas City residents an enhanced tool to address residences or businesses that become sites of criminal activity.
Under this ordinance, a location that fosters a misdemeanor or felony can face penalties from the city that could result in the property being seized and put up for auction.
“These are powers we haven’t had before,” said First District Councilman Scott Wagner at the February “Second Friday” meeting hosted by Sixth District Councilmen John Sharp and Scott Taylor at the Trailside Center at 99th and Holmes. The Sixth District includes WPHA boundaries.
Wagner, who represents the Northland, introduced the ordinance to replace a previous ordinance that he suggested needed strengthening.
Such lesser nuisances as barking dogs or overgrown yards would not be covered by this ordinance. It aims at such crimes as drug sales, illegal use of firearms, disorderly conduct, and incidents causing bodily injury.
Action from the city will result if police are called to a property for any of these alleged crimes three times within 30 days or seven times within 180 days.
Then the business or home owner cited will be required to appear before the city’s neighborhoods and housing services department. If the complaints are founded, the party cited will be given 30 days to produce a plan to correct the issues.
Those cited can be required to pay for repairs or subject to special assessments. Such assessments, Wagner said, “will go on their county property taxes and begin their trip to the courthouse steps.”
A property owner can take his case before a seven-member chronic nuisance board, which will be appointed by Mayor Sly James. Any community members who will to be considered can contact Sharp at or Taylor at The ordinance, No. 150044, can be found online.
The City Council is considering a new noise ordinance. This Kansas City Star story references the WPHA’s efforts to work with local bar owners to address noise issues in Waldo.
New noise law tries to balance the needs of Kansas City residents and businesses
The Kansas City Star
April 3, 2015